
F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with Michael Phelps, weed pickers and broga stretches. 8 pain stations while 1 Pax pulls tire 50 yards down and back while other…

Save polar bears

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warmed up with multiple broga stretches. March 27th is national polar bear day, so of course we did a lot of bear crawls. 1 Pax…

PR Day at The Arrowhead

4 HIM for a nice 50ish degree morning in the middle of February!! The wind was calm but there must have been something giving the PAX a boost because at…

Walk of Shame

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with Michael Phelps, weed pickers, SSH, dial up stretch, child’s pose and cobra stretches. Each PAX grabbed a coupon and rucked to our…

Story Walk Beatdown

Lost my wienke somehow after getting out of the truck, so had to wing it with some help from my brothers, but the plan was to utilize the new story…

Burpees for Vets

Thanks to the generosity of many, as a region we raised nearly $500.00 for Burpees for Vets in honor of Veterans Day! Thank you to our veterans in the region…

At the Playground

After a couple months of playground construction at The Chieftain, we have a freshly upgraded playground thanks to Franconia Township that boasts a nice cushy floor and some new equipment…

F3LINKO the three is silent

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with Overhead Claps, Michael Phelps, Weed Pickers, Broga and Motivators. PAX picked a card from F3 deck and then dropped a Flinko chip…

Unexplored Trails

After a long night of Philly sports (good Eagles win, tough Phillies loss in WS), the Q (Woody) overslept a bit and showed up the AO about 5 minutes late.…

F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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