Workout NOT for 5 Guys

AO: The Chieftain

When: 07/28/2021


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Dutch, Fonda, Foxhole, Lowes, Pâté, Pinto, Sand Trap, Slogger, Strudel, Uptown Girl, Woody,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Uptown Girl

The BackBlast:

It was a beautiful Gloom traveling from Macungie to Franconia.  YHC found a route that had more one lane bridges than traffic lights.  A real plus!  Arriving 9 minutes a head of start, I found half a dozen HIMs already assembling and one fine soul named Pinto helped me set up some cones on a football field that was a mile from shovel flag. 

Disclaimer – given and accepted. 

Warmarama – mosey to basketball courts line up in a circle and do various dynamic movements for 7 minutes to get body warm.

The Thang – mosey to the football field for 1s & 10s.  Unfortunately, this football field was turned into a soccer field; however, we put down as many cones as possible to mark off 10 yard increments. 

Mosey 10 yards: 1 Burpee + 10 Merkin = 90 yard sprint

Mosey 20 yards: 2 Burpees + 9 Merkins – 80 yard sprint

continue until 10 burpees and 1 merkin. 

Pick up cones and mosey to soccer field.  Line up on the circle in mid field with cones for a Vicious Circle routine focused on the mid section and a bunch of cardio and unnecessary complaining.     

YHC was the 12 and Lowes was the 6.  Pax stay on the circle line up behind me.  Pax starts slow mosey around the circle.  Lowes runs to center for 5 American Hammers in cadence, then sprints in front of me to take line lead.  Last man in line peals off to center of circle for 5 American Hammers.  This wouldn’t have been so bad if there were only 5 GUYS; however, with 11 pax it takes a while to get around.   Speaking of 5 GUYS, that would have made this beatdown more challenging and potentially more enjoyable fellowship.  

Our vicious circle concluded with a bear crawl around the circle same format; with last guy in Pax going to center for 5 Dolly’s IC.




Announcements – Lehigh Valley is only 35 minute drive on Labor Day to help us celebrate our 5 year Manniversary.  More details and service project to come.  

Prayers – marriages, Spartan Races, Drone Tests, and ability to show up with a bunch of guys to get better every day.  Special praise to all the HIM locking shields with Lowes to lead all the AO’s in the Franconia and Harleysville area.

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