Post to Prost #1 with Indian Valley and Princeton


When: 07/22/2021


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Black Hole, Dos Equis, Drop cloth, Foxhole, Lowes, Sand Trap, Strudel, Trigger, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Graf

QIC: Dropcloth - Warmup, Lowes - The Thang, Strudel - 6MOM

The BackBlast:

Post to Prost location: Moss Mill Brewing Company, Huntingdon Valley, PA

PAX present for Beatdown: Blackhole, Milky Way, Graf, Dick Clark, Woody, Lowes, Red Coat, Trigger, Dos Equis, Sand Trap, Strudel, Foxhole, Dropcloth, Wall-E

PAX missing the “Post” but still raising a glass for “Prost”: Scar and Photo Finish

This gathering of PAX from F3 Indian Valley and F3 Princeton has been over a year in the making and it was so awesome to see it become reality and to be so enthusiastically attended by PAX from both regions. Moss Mill Brewing Company happens to be directly in the middle of West Windsor Community Park (F3 Princeton’s “The Rising”) and Franconia Community Park (F3 Indian Valley’s “The Chieftain”). According to Dos Equis’s records, this also marked the first ever F3 workout to take place in Bucks County, PA.

Warm-a-rama/CoP: Dropcloth warmed the PAX up with some exercises including but not limited to Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Peter Parkers, Weedpickers, Calf Raises

The Thang: Sand Trap arrived just in time to finish up the warmup and then Lowes took over to lead the PAX down the street to a nice sized parking lot where the infamous Lowes’ kids whiteboard was planted to explain the next part of the workout, P.R.O.S.T.  Similar to B.O.M.B.S., PAX partnered up and then completed the following exercises and rep counts as a partner group. For the Partner Derkins, one PAX planked and the other PAX used the other partners back to perform 25 Derkins, then flapjack to allow the other partner to do 25 Derkins. For the remaining exercises, one Partner performed the exercise while the other ran to the end of the parking lot and back, and then switched off until the group rep count goal was complete.

Partner Derkins (50)

Ranger Merkins (100)

Overhead Claps (150)

Squats (200)

Twinkle Toes (250)

Looks easy on paper but it was not. Especially for those of us Indian Valley PAX who did 200 (individually) Calf Raises on Monday for Pate’s game of “Card Shark”!

Next up was a Bataan Death March (Indian Run/Burpee Catch Me If You Can)! We got through one whole rotation of all 14 PAX getting in their 5 burpees before it was time to head back to the flags for 6MOM.

6MOM led by Strudel: Exercises included but were not limited to Hello Dollies, Rosalitas, Boxcutters and then Lowes took over last minute to finish us off with a Princeton favorite, Boats and Canoes.

After the workout, we enjoyed some snacks, food from Moss Mill and of course some good brews and fantastic fellowship and conversation. Big thanks to F3 Princeton for picking up the tab for the first round!

Looking forward to the next time we can get our regions together again!


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F3 - Indian Valley
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TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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