Partner Heavy Workout at The Crazy Horse and Lowes’ Crazy Horse VQ?

AO: Crazy Horse

When: 07/20/2023


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Lowes, Sand Trap, Slogger, Strudel,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Lowes

The BackBlast:

Well I’m embarrassed to say that this was my very first time Q’ing at Crazy Horse! It’s tough for me to get out to Crazy Horse during the school year but I need to do a better job of making it out here more often during the summer. No better way to make that happen than to commit to Q!

After a thorough warmup, the PAX headed over to the soccer field to kick off the partner work portion of the beatdown.

Lowes partnered up with Strudel and Slogger partnered up with Rocky who was visiting downrange from F3 St Louis. Sandtrap was extremely disappointed that he didn’t have a partner, but we made it work by him utilizing coupons instead of a partner for the exercises that followed:

Partner Shrugs x 10 (each PAX got their turn of doing 10)

Partner Carry across the field

Partner Carry Calf Raises x 20 (with your partner on your back) then switch, saddle up and let the other partner have a turn with the Calf Raises before partner carrying back across the field.

This process continued and the PAX completed additional reps as follows:

Partner Shrugs x 30

Partner Carry Calf Raises x 40

Partner Shrugs x 50

Partner Carry Calf Raises x 40

Partner Shrugs x 30

Partner Carry Calf Raises x 20

Partner Shrugs x 10

It was MUCH harder than it looks on paper (especially the weighted calf raises)!

Quick mosey lap around the parking lot before moving to the pavilion for the 2nd part of the workout.

We had 5 PAX and 5 stations. One guy at each station to start and then rotate through the stations. 10 Reps (4 count cadence) called by the Q.

Station 1: Power Press Pushup Board (a birthday gift from my sister) – each round the handles were moved to target different areas of the body (Chest, Triceps, Back and Shoulders)

Station 2: Coupon Curls (for the girls of course)

Station 3: LBCs

Station 4: Squats

Station 5: Step ups

I think we got through about 3 1/2 rounds before time was called with no time for Mary 🙁

Honored to finally Q at this beautiful AO in North Wales and great having another down range brother visiting the Indian Valley!!

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TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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