Brutal Strudel strikes again

Brutal Strudel strikes again with a Dark Web reprisal featuring lots of Merkins, Raise the Roof, Jump Squats, Burpees, Bonnie Blairs, SSH and Donkey Kicks and more Merkins (Let the…

Zwei-Headed Snake Beatdown

Warm-a-Rama Slogger Stretches Reach your toe stretch Dial stretch 2x Motivators 15 Arm Circles 15 Circle Arms   Short Mosey around the park   Strudel 1 2 min SSH 20…

Pain Station Mosey With Treats

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with Michael Phelps, overhead claps, hillbillies, merkins into cobra stretch. Mosey around park loop with coupons and stop at pain stations. Stations included…

Hit the Hills

Every time I show up to the Warrior I see the hill from construction. I wanted to find a way to incorporate it into a Q. Today was the day.…

Quacking Circle of Pain

7 HIM met in the cool Chieftain gloom for a Pinto led “Quacking Circle of Pain” beatdown.   “Quacking” because in the second round of exercises, PAX were instructed to duck…

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

5 HIM met in the Warrior gloom for a “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work” beatdown, because together we truly accomplish amazing things. Lowes and Woody started out on a pre-run…

Reverse Hennings / Alderfer Park Run

Running on lack of sleep from a late-night NYC trip to the Big East Tournament, the Q definitely didn’t do enough planning. Thinking quickly on his feet, he decided on…

What Goes Around Comes Around

9 PAX posted at F3 Chieftain for a brutal Strudel led “What Goes Around Comes Around” beatdown on his Manniversary. A year ago Pinto Q’d the same 11’s beatdown…who got…

F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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