The Beast

Another fun Saturday at the Warrior.  Hard to follow up Top Gun from the week prior. 25 Side Straddle hops IC 20 Imperial Walker IC 20 Standing Twists IC 15…

Plank Army Crawl

Qing at Crazy Horse is always an honor. So much park to work with!! 5:30 – 5:32 Intro Warm-up Side Straddle Hops (20x) Arm Circles / Circle Arms (15x each)…

The World is our AO

Due to my ongoing elbow pain, I haven’t been Q’ing much, but I recently discovered some new real estate around the Chieftain, that I was itching to show off and…

Wilt 100s

A few PAX and family members recently went to Hersey. It got me thinking of possibly the most impressive sporting achievement of all time, when Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points…

Down in the Boondocks

Well its been 15 years since I lost my mother suddenly and unexpectedly from an apparent heart attack. She was 55 and I was 24. I still miss her terribly…

Alphabet Soup

“ALPHABET SOUP WORKOUT” 9 PAX met in this rainy Wednesday gloom at the Chieftain. Under the pavilion, HIM gave the 3 pillars of F3, it’s 5 core values, and the…

Murder Bunny Suicides

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with Overhead Claps, Seal Claps, Weed Pickers and Motivators. Field set up with cones at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards. Murder Bunnies…

4 Years of F3-Lowes

Well just like the birthdays start coming around faster when you get older, so do the F3 Manniversaries! Hard to believe its already been four years since my first post…

Gotta Make Foul Shots When You’re Tired

It is the best month of the year for college basketball. Conference Championships are underway and bracketologists everywhere are preparing to fill out their brackets. On a surprisingly pleasant (but…

F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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