Tuck By Proxy Beatdown (With a Rocky Training Montage Flavor)

AO: The Warrior

When: 08/07/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Fonda, Lowes, Pâté, Pinto, Sand Bagger, Slogger, Strudel,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Pinto

The BackBlast:

7 HIM met at The Warrior for a Pinto led “Tuck By Proxy” beatdown (with a Rocky Training Montage flair).  The beatdown was architected by Tuck and kept a secret from the rest of the PAX because there was a competition element this week between the Indian Valley and Valley Forge for (bragging rights foremost); but also a guest Q and coffateria provided by the losing party at a future date.  The first part of the workout was to be approximately the same between the two AO’s to facilitate a level playing field.

The Disclaimer was given … 

The Warm-Up …

Side Straddle Hops IC 20  
Arm Circles IC 15  
Circle Arms IC 15  
Weed Pickers IC 20  
Imperial Walkers IC 20  
Parking Lot Mosey

The Beatdown …

One Burpee Mile was held amongst the PAX.  This was conducted by all PAX, OYO, doing 12 Burpees then running around the outside perimeter of the soccer fields.  Measuring the distance on Google indicated that it would be a bit more than a quarter mile (about .35 miles), but the HIM of the IV prevailed.  All PAX did this 12 Burpee, .35 mile run combination for a total of 4 times (making it a Burpee almost mile and a half).

The competition portion then began.  As agreed by Tuck; each PAX would do 2 minutes of Merkins; amrap; each PAX remembering their count.  The interesting part however is that the PAX did not know that this first set would merely be their baseline number.  After  this first set was completed; the PAX would then be notified that the first amrap set was their baseline; and that the goal is to improve on that number with each subsequent set.  The winner amongst the PAX at the AO would be he with the largest margin of improvement over the first set.

Those numbers would then be compared (AO winner to AO winner to determine which would be the overall winner of the competition).  The first set all PAX gave an incredible effort; Strudel cranking out an impressive 72 Merkins.   Then I told the PAX that the number they had just cranked out was their baseline number (a look of concern, displeasure, perhaps loathing crossed each of their faces); however it could be seen that the fire was strong.  I reminded them that the will and mind are more powerful than the body; and that we could push beyond the pain. PAX continued to put up amazing numbers; however in the next 3 sets of Merkins the best that could be accomplished amongst the PAX was to equal their original number (Sand Bagger did it on his final set; making him the AO winner).

The Rocky Training Montage aspect of the beatdown was incorporated at The Warrior location only.  In Rocky IV, the titular character (Rocky Balboa) famously travels to the U.S.S.R. to fight Ivan Drago (who killed Rocky’s best friend Apollo Creed in the ring months prior).  While in the U.S.S.R. Drago was given the best training, but Rocky had to improvise his training regimen, making the best of his surroundings (much like an F3 workout that uses common construction items like cinder blocks (coupons) and playground equipment during workouts.  With each set of Merkin YHC played an exact 2 minute clip from the Rocky IV soundtrack; including songs such as Eye of the Tiger, Training Montage, War, etc.

These 4 sets encompassed the majority of the workout time.

1MOM …

There was only enough time for one minute of Mary.  Originally I called out that the PAX would do Flutter Kicks IC, but Strudel reminded me that Box Cutters are his favorite; so the PAX did 20 Box Cutters IC to round out the workout.


Prayers for all of those battling (especially those in our families) battling various sicknesses and illnesses.  Strengthen their minds, bodies and spirits.  Thank you for brining us together as men to reinvigorate leadership in our communities and for the betterment of our families.  Prayers for all PAX traveling in the coming weeks.

Closing Thoughts …

We are all stronger than we think.  We can push our bodies to do amazing things, beyond what we think they are capable of.  Each PAX did several hundred Merkins during the competition; very impressive.  The Indian Valley did fall short a bit however.  Spike in Valley Forge bested his first set by an impressive 6 Merkins; making him the overall winner.  It should also be noted that Trigger did an impressive 92 Merkins (twice) in his efforts.  Valley Forge only managed to get in 2 sets of Merkins.

YHC will be travelling to Valley Forge in the coming weeks to Q a workout and provide Coffateria.  Fonda has graciously offered to come Co-Q.

In the Photo; SwoleSaturday for the Hash Tag on Twitter; Fonda was too Swole to fit hence his absence (actually he had to leave before we were able to take the picture).

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