AO: The Warrior

When: 04/02/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Lowes, Pinto, Slogger, Strudel, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pinto

The BackBlast:

5 HIM met in the Warrior gloom for a “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work” beatdown, because together we truly accomplish amazing things.

Lowes and Woody started out on a pre-run prior to the beatdown at 0600 and arrived at 0630 for the beatdown start.

The Disclaimer Was Given …

The Warm-Up …

Side Straddle Hops IC 20  
Arm Circles IC 15  
Circle Arms IC 15  
Weed Pickers IC 20  
Imperial Walkers IC 20  

YHC read two quotes that he had jotted down on the whiteboard that he thought were relevant:

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift someone else up” ~ Booker T. Washington

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark than alone in the light” ~ Helen Keller

The Thang:

PAX split into teams of two.  The format was given; one PAX moseys across the parking lot while the other does reps of the exercise; switching off with the other PAX and continuing the count.

Burpee 30
Merkin 100
LBC 200
Squat 300
SSH 300
Curl 200
Overhead Press 100
Big Boy 50

PAX then went for a mosey, and upon returning completed a Mary with each PAX calling out an exercise.  American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, Dying Cockroach, Box Cutters, and Freddie Mercury were all called.

COT was accomplished; a reminder that many hands make light work!

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