AO: The Chieftain

When: 01/19/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Double D, Fonda, Foxhole, Lowes, Pinto, Strudel, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Woody

The BackBlast:

Nice morning for a beatdown. We rarely do timed workouts in F3, but a change of pace is always nice. We completed a simple workout of three 7-minute sets, with a quarter mile mosey around the park separating each set. We finished with one 4-minute set.

Learning of the day – Sideways Bear Crawl is VERY, VERY awkward.

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  • Side Straddle Hops – 20
  • Arm Circles / Circle arms – 20 each
  • Imperial Walkers – 20

Mosey around Field back to Parking Lot

Set #1 – Plyometrics (repeat for 7 minutes)

  • 20 Tuck Jumps
  • 20 Cross Jumps – Left
  • 20 Cross Jumps – Right
  • 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • 20 Apollo Ohno’s (side jump skaters)

Mosey around Field back to Parking Lot

Set #2 – Crawl Set (repeat for 7 minutes)

Cones set up about 15 yards apart across parking lot

  • Bear Crawl – Up
  • Crab Walk – Back
  • Sideways Bear Crawl – Up
  • Sideways Crab Walk – Back
  • Backwards Bear Crawl – Up
  • Backwards Crab Walk – Back

Mosey around Field back to Parking Lot 

Set #3 – Strength Set (repeat for 7 minutes)

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Lowes Merkins
  • 10 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Alternating Lunges

Mosey around Field back to Parking Lot

 Set #4 – Plank Around the World (45 seconds of each, totaling 3 minutes)

  • Side Plank
  • Regular Plank
  • Side Plank
  • Hold the World


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F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out. TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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