Looking for some Hills

AO: The Arrowhead

When: 05/07/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: 20/20, BO, Drop cloth, Duke, Fonda, Lowes, Pinto, Strudel, Woody, Yoshi,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Lowes

The BackBlast:

10 PAX went looking for a few hills around Harleysville. First hill was on the township trail after crossing Kulp Road and before crossing over the bridge where the trail goes either left towards Yoder Road or right to head towards Main Street. The PAX hit that hill probably about 5 to 7 times before moving on towards Yoder Road. Next hill was on Ruth Road just before it hits Yoder. This hill was shorter in length but steeper in grade. The PAX hit this hill about 5 to 7 times. About this time Duke’s leg started cramping up and I realized we had lost 20/20 so we headed back towards the flag. Turns out 20/20 lost sight of us on the way to Ruth Rd (can’t see without his glasses) and started heading back. We picked him up on the way back and then headed back to the flag where some of us got in a little extra credit by heading to the scout cabin and back.

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