Launch Day at The Warrior

AO: The Warrior

When: 06/05/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Drop cloth, Lowes, Penalty Box, Pinto, Strudel, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Penalty Box

QIC: Lowes

The BackBlast:

6 PAX gathered at the beautiful Alvin C Alderfer Park for the launch of Indian Valley’s first Saturday workout, The Warrior! The name is in honor of the Native Americans who called this area home long before any of us were here and is also in honor/memory of a couple of modern day warriors among us that have recently battled or are currently battling cancer, Fonda’s late Father-in-Law Chuck and Butterfly’s Father-in-Law, Mauro.


Copperhead Squats

Imperial Walkers

Abe Vagodas (SLOW Windmill)

Side Straddle Hops

Plank, right arm up, right leg up

Plank, left arm up, left leg up

Carioca left to the edge of the lot, run forward, Carioca right to the edge of the parking lot, Bernie Sanders, Carioca left to where we started.

Thang 1:

Short mosey over to the playground for a little pull-up action. PAX planked while we took turns each completing 10 pull-ups. Rinse and Repeat except the second time around the PAX held Al Gore position while they weren’t doing pull-ups. After about 2/3 of the way through, I wanted to switch back to a plank so that is what we did.

Next YHC led the PAX down one of the trails that brought us by a nice little stash of coupons built into the landscape of the AO, a nice feature indeed. PAX were instructed to grab an appropriately sized coupon for curling, then commenced an overhead rifle carry around the lower baseball field and over to the foot of a nice hill perfect for 11’s!

Thang 2:

1 curl at the bottom of the hill, Bernie Sanders up to the top of the hill, 10 Big Boy Situps, Run back down the hill

2 curls at the bottom of the hill, Bernie Sanders up to the top of the hill, 9 Big Boy Situps, Run back down the hill, etc, etc until ending with 10 curls at the bottom of the hill and 1 Big Boy Situp at the top!

That was so much fun, I decided we should do it again, except this time it was Triceps Press at the bottom and Flying Squirrels at the top.

After a couple more times going backwards up the hill, I called for an audible to run forward up the hill instead of backwards which was well received by some (including myself) but others (Woody) decided to show off by continuing to Bernie Sanders. Perhaps he was still on his 10 year wedding anniversary high…

10 Count to catch our breath, then mosey back to deposit the coupons from whence they came (watch the poison ivy). Mosey back around the trail and up to the pavilion for Dips and Step-ups!

Thang 3:

Dips – 15 IC

Step-ups – 15 IC

Dips – 10 IC

Step-ups – 10 IC

Dips – 5 IC

Step-ups – 5 IC


Hold 6 inches for a 30 count

LBCs – 20 IC

Flutters -30 IC (I think I heard someone say “I thought we were stopping at 20!!!)


Name-a-rama: Welcome FNG Penalty Box (EH credit goes to Strudel)

COT: Praise for a successful 2nd F Gathering at Lowes’ last night (28 in attendance), praise for a 10th Wedding Anniversary and prayers for a safe and uneventful upcoming vacation for a PAX and his M so they can recover and recharge.





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F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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