In and Out and Around The World (Franconia Park)

AO: The Chieftain

When: 06/09/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: 20/20, Double D, Fonda, Lowes, Pinto, Strudel, Woody,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Fonda

The BackBlast:


“In and Out and Around the World (a.k.a.: Franconia Park)”

7 HIM led by Fonda took a journey In, Out, and Around the World (a.k.a.: Franconia Park). The PAX battled the 69 degree weather and 98% humidity to become stronger men. It all started with Fonda explaining what F3 stands for: Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. Fonda then explained that the workouts are always outside, free, for men only, on a rotational basis (i.e.: “Freed to Lead”), and ends in the CoT. (but we have been implementing the BoM.: “Ball of Man” at the conclusion of our last few “Beatdowns”).  The PAX got better and stronger today by doing…


-Arm Circles/Circle Arms (IC: 12x each direction)

-Michael Phelps (IC: 12x)

-SSH (IC: 12x)

-Motivators (SC: 5 – “kinda”…Fonda’s brain was still on IC mode”, but we did manage to count down from 5)

-Weed Pickers (IC: 12x)

-Imperial Walkers (IC: 12x)


-Shoulder Press w/ Coupon (O.Y.O.: 40x)

*Mosey to Top, Near, Front Corner of Parking Lot at Main Entrance

-Alt. Forward Lunges (IC: 20x)

*Mosey to Bottom, Far, Back Corner of BBall Court

-Flying Squirrels (O.Y.O.: 15x)

*Mosey to Coupon Station

-“Curls for the Girls” w/Coupon (O.Y.O.: 40x) and then Fonda introduced us to a new Exicon…

“Crazy Crawl’n Crocodile”

-If possible, separate into a set of three PAX. If you can’t do this, then the PAX may have to make a U-Turn in order to bring the coupons back (hopefully if will make sense as you read on). Place one PAX about 12-15 yards from the other two PAX. One PAX (in the set of the two) grasps a coupon in each hand and, in a plank position, gradually lifts the coupon up by his side (picture doing an upright row) and then extends his arm out in front of him to place it on the ground. You would “RINSE and REPEAT” this same motion on the other side until you reach your PAX at the other end. Just try to visual what a crocodile looks like when they walk/run (but not carrying coupons, of course.) The PAX then hands off the two coupons to the PAX waiting for him, and then this new PAX would return the coupons to the other PAX member down at other end by doing the same thing…”crawling like a crazy crocodile”. While the PAX is performing this “crazy crocodile crawl”, the other two PAX aren’t taking a nap. Oh No!!!! They are actively recovering. We decided that one PAX would “rest” by doing Alternate Lunges while the other did Squats. After all, we need to strengthen those legs so we can outrun that Croc’ (which is why we chose leg exercises while we “rested”.)  Overall, the PAX did a great job. Well done and thank you for your patience while we learned this new exicon.

*Mosey Around Outside Trail to Location Between Right Field of Softball Field/Left Field of Little League Field

-Mountain Climbers (IC: 25)

*Mosey to Shed

-Stationary Squat Against Shed (Timed: 1:15)

*Mosey to Other Pavilion

-Dips (IC: 15x)

*Mosey Around Trail to Far, Left Corner of Football Field

-Goofballs (IC: 25x)

*Mosey to Top, Front, Right Corner of Soccer Field #2

-Freddie Mercury (IC: 30x)

*Mosey to Bottom, Far, Back Left Corner of BBall Court

-Burpees (O.Y.O.: 12x)

          * Mosey Straight Across Path Towards Pavilion (but stop at Trash Can)

-Alt. Shoulder Taps (IC: 25x)

*Mosey to Pavilion

-Alt. Step Ups (IC: 25x) and conclude with…

-Monkey Humpers (O.Y.O.: 50x)



-LBC’s (IC: 25x)

-American Hammers (IC: 25x)

-E2K (SC: 25x-each side)






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F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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