AO: The Chieftain

When: 03/24/2021


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Butterfly, Dak, Double D, Goose, Lowes, Pâté, Pinto, Spike, Strudel, Suds, Warden,

Number of FNGS: 4

FNG Names: Suds, Dak, Warden, Strudel

QIC: Pinto

The BackBlast:

11 PAX including 4 FNG’s posted in the mid-40 degree gloom for a Pinto led Imitation is Flattery Beatdown; an homage to a previous Lowes Q.  Following the warm-up PAX conducted 11’s, Merkins at one end of the parking lot and Squats at the other end of the parking lot, with mosey in-between in descending/ascending format respectively.

Although another set of 11’s was planned which would have included Lunges and Plank Jacks this was abandoned in favor of Mary and a bit of reserved time to name the FNG’s.


Side Straddle Hops IC 20  
Arm Circles IC 20  
Circle Arms IC 20  
Weed Pickers IC 20  
Imperial Walkers IC 20  


11’s OYO Merkin  
  OYO Squats  


Dolly IC 20  
LBC IC 20  
Flutter Kicks IC 20  
Leg Lifts IC 20  

FNG’s were then named. Strudel is a German born engineer that told us that he enjoys baking posted for the first time.  A family affair; Warden (a pastor) and his 2.0’s, Suds (works at a car wash) and Dak (a Diehard Eagles Fan), posted for the first time as-well.


Prayers for Butterfly’s Father-in-Law that is battling cancer.  Also prayers for a friend of Pate’s that is battling some personal family issues; and for the challenges of the world that as Spike called out; continue into 2021.

Welcome: Strudel, Warden, Suds, and Dak!


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