F3 Business Trip: 8 “Train”ing Stations

AO: The Chieftain

When: 04/26/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Butterfly, Drop cloth, Duke, Fonda, Lowes, Pâté, Strudel,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Fonda

The BackBlast:

F3: Business Trip: 8 “Train”ing Stations

Lucky 7 at The Chieftain on this brisk late April morning. PAX members went on a “Business Trip”. We started at “home” and had to pay the mortgage with 25 LBC’s. Once completed, each PAX was given a number and had to travel (via mosey) to their designated station to catch the “train”ing. Each “train”ing station had two groups of exercises. After the PAX completed that exercise at that particular “train”ing station, he would travel back home to “pay the mortgage” (25 LBC’s), again. Then the PAX would travel to the next chronological “train”ing station and rinse/repeat the sequence of events. Once the first round was completed, the PAX rinsed/repeated the same idea using the second round of exercises that was at each individual “train”ing station. Overall, the PAX completed 400 LBC’s, got some good cardiovascular work in (thanks to the mosey to and from home to each “train”ing station), some mumble chatter while we visited home, and, thanks to to Pandora for providing some classic rock music to help us push through the LBC’s while we “paid the mortgage”. We caught the trains at each station and payed the mortgage at home this AM at the Chieftain. Well done, gents!!!


-Arm Circles/Circle Arms (IC: 12x each direction)

-Motivators (SC: 5x)

-Weed Pickers (IC: 12x)

-Michael Phelps (IC: 12x)

-Buoyant Stretch


“Train”ing Station #1:

Round 1: Jump Rope (100x)

Round 2: Merkins (40x)

*HOME: LBC’s (25x)

“Train”ing Station #2:

Round 1: Overhead Coupon Shoulder Press (30x)

Round 2: Dips (30x)

*HOME: LBC’s (25x)

“Train”ing Station #3:

Round 1: Squats (50x)

Round 2: Mountain Climbers (35x)

*HOME: LBC’s (25x)

“Train”ing Station #4:

Round 1: SSH (50x)

Round 2: Alternat Shoulder Taps (50x)

*HOME: LBC’s (25x)

“Train”ing Station #5:

Round 1: Burpees (12x)

Round 2: Bonnie Blairs (30x)

*HOME: LBC’s (25x)

“Train”ing Station #6:

Round 1: Carolina Dry Docks (25x)

Round 2: Plank Jacks (30x)

*HOME: LBC’s (25x)

“Train”ing Station #7:

Round 1: Speed Humpers (50x)

Round 2: Alternate Side Squat (40x…20x each side)

*HOME: LBC’s (25x)

“Train”ing Station #8:

Round 1: Curls w/ Coupon (25x)

Round 2: Dirkens on Coupon (25x)

*HOME LBC’s (25x)


-Prayers for Strudel’s neighbor as she battles through the loss of her husband (but congrats on the new addition).

-Prayers to both Fonda’s and Butterfly’s father-in-laws.

-Prayers for a speedy recovery from a recent injury to our boy “Pinto”.

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TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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