Backyard Game

AO: The Warrior

When: 03/18/2023


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Goose, Lowes, Mr Pink, Pâté, Pinto, Runt, Slogger, Strudel,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Mr. Pink

QIC: Pâté

The BackBlast:

F3 principles and disclaimer given.

Warm up with Michael Phelps, overhead claps, weed pickers and Abe Vigodas, all IC. Finished with dial up child’s pose and cobra stretches.

Each PAX took a turn dragon tire across parking lot and back while others did curls for the girls, overhead press, skull crushers, American hammers, LBCs, rows and squats.

The main event for the beatdown was a four on four one hand touch football game. Basic backyard rules F3 style. For every incomplete pass everybody does 5 merkins, for every interception 10 merkins, fumble is 15 merkins and a touchdown is a celebratory 20 merkins. We were able to get in 100 merkins after that we moved to SSH.

Finished off with a round of Mary which included LBCs, box cutters, Freddie Mercury’s, Superman’s, he’ll touches and protractors.



CoT and naming our new FNG.

Welcome Mr. Pink

Mr Pink lives near a reservoir, which should lead you to reservoir dogs, one of the greatest Quentin Tarantino movies, which would lead to Mr Pink,  the man who hates tipping.

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