80’s Beats-down

AO: The Chieftain

When: 08/04/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Double D, Fonda, Lowes, Pinto, Slogger, Strudel, Woody,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Slogger

The BackBlast:

What do the #Danger Zone, Here I Go Again (aka #Black Snake), and the Final Countdown have in common? Not only are they awesome songs but they were incorporating into today’s #F3TheChieftain  80’s Beats-down with VQ by @mawbymike1 aka @Slogger. Along with the entertaining tunes came a SSH-ton of reps, including SSHs, squats, burpees, and merkins with some very long plank holds and peppered with some chopping. The beatdown also included some #Chumbaburpee, #Circle Burp and #Captain Thor.

5:35  Warm-up

  • Abe Vigoda – IC
  • Arm Circles – IC
  • Circle Arms – IC
  • Weed pickers – IC

5:45 Danger Zone (SSH and squats) MUSIC (3:35)

PAX performs side straddle hop while Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins plays in the background. Everytime the words danger zone are heard PAX does single squat then resumes side straddle hop. End result is 3 and a half minutes of SSH with sporadic squats.

5:50 White Snake (aks Black Snatke slalom Indian run) MUSIC (4:35)

Take an Indian Run, but the last guy has to weave his way through the Pax to the front of the line. Done until all PAX have woven.

5:55 Chumbaburpee (SSH and burpees) MUSIC (3:33)

To the song, Tubthumper by Chumbawumba, start with SSH at beginning of song, then every time they say, “I get knocked down, but i get up again” you do a burpee. While not doing burpees, you are continuously doing SSH. In the end, you will do about 27 burpees. 

6:00 Final Countdown (plank and merkins) MUSIC (5:10)

Hold plank for the entire song. Whenever you hear the word “countdown” in the song or from the Q, you do a merkin.

6:05 Circle Burp (chopping feet and “down” for burpees)

PAX Circle up and start chopping feet or doing high knees. Starting with the Q and going around the circle each PAX, one by one, calls out “down” and everyone drops and does a burpee. The circle burp is complete after each PAX in the circle has called “down”. 

6:10 ABS

  • Captain Thor (modified) – OYO Ab exercise done in a 1:4 ratio. 1 big boy sit-up to 4 American Hammers (Russian Twist) x 10.
  • Hello Dolly’s IC
  • Boxcutter IC
  • Flutter Kicks IC



Finish with COT

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