AO: The Chieftain

When: 05/26/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Butterfly, Double D, Gouda, Humboldt, Lowes, Pinto, Spike, Squirrel, Strudel, Woody,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Pinto

The BackBlast:

10 PAX converged on the Chieftain Indian Valley gloom as YHC instituted a 7 of Diamonds beatdown around the four corners of the soccer field.  A few PAX had a reaction to the grass which lead to bumps on the skin, etc. unsure of the cause, luckily it went away after a shower.

The Warmup:

Side Straddle Hops IC 15  
Arm Circles IC 15  
Circle Arms IC 15  
Weed Pickers IC 15  
Abe Vigodas IC 20  
Mosey to the Soccer Field

The Beatdown:

Pax began at the first corner and did the first exercise (7 – SC – Burpee – OYO), and subsequently at each additional corner with a mosey in-between.  Subsequent rounds were commenced as-follows:  (14 – IC – Flutter Kicks – Together), (21 – SC – Merkins OYO), (28 – SC – Squats – OYO),  (21 – SC – Bonnie Blairs – OYO)  and (14 – IC – LBC’s – Together).

Obviously each exercise increasing in count by 7 up though 28, then descending back through 7.  We didn’t quite make it to the final (7th) round to make time for the Mary (we only had about 4 minutes left).


Freddie Mercury IC 15  
Box Cutter IC 15  
Dolly IC 15  


Prayers and deepest condolences for Fonda’s family (Fonda, Jen, Brooke, and B.O.).  Jen’s father past last weekend.  Prayers for Humbolt’s Grandmother that took a fall and broke a bone, and for his friend who is battling some personal alcohol abuse issues.  Also prayers for Butterfly’s father-in-law as he continues to battle cancer; fighting to enjoy more time with his family.

Announcements: The new Saturday AO starts at the beginning of next month.


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