AO: The Chieftain

When: 03/23/2022


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Butterfly, Double D, Dutch, Fonda, Lowes, Pâté, Pinto, Ponzi, Sand Trap, Slogger, Woody,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Lowes

The BackBlast:

Well just like the birthdays start coming around faster when you get older, so do the F3 Manniversaries! Hard to believe its already been four years since my first post at the Rubicon in Alpharetta, GA…then again, I can’t imagine my life without F3 either. It’s been a fun journey from FNG to planting a new region and I’m grateful for all who have supported me along the way.

I wanted to again reboot the workout from my first post because its a good one. Had to throw in a couple of modifications though as I’m battling some bicep tendonitis…

Warmup – SSH, Imperial Walkers, Weedpickers, Copperhead Squat, Wide and Slow Arm Circles, Wide and Slow Circle Arms

Thang 1 – 11’s with Curls (instead of Burpees) and American Hammers (4CT = 1)

Thang 2 – Three Stations, Three Excercises, 10 reps, 9 reps, 8 reps…..down to 1 rep (Donkey Kicks, Pullups or Underdogs, Air Squats)

No time for Mary!

Here is the link again to my first post back in F3 Alpha. I love the creativity in the backblast and it was quite a cool experience having another AO invade (from what would soon become a separate region – F3 Cherokee).

Let’s keep Planting, Growing and Serving!!!

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