4 Corners of Pain

AO: The Chieftain

When: 09/27/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Double D, Foxhole, Iceman, Lowes, Pinto, Sand Trap, Slogger, Spike,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Spike

The BackBlast:

YHC arrived early at the Chieftain, not having been there in a few months, hoping against hope that new lights were added.  Alas it was not to be.  Headlamps on!

Despite my early arrival, other PAX had arrived about the same time – a very early crew!  The stars were out, and the moon shone brightly, with the temperature hovering around 58F as Lowes rolled in with the site flag.  YHC saw we were already at that time, so got the ball rolling with the grand Disclaimer, and warmup as Lowes found his spot in the circle.

Warmup :  

  1. SSHs 10X IC
  2. Arm circles 10X IC
  3. Chinooks 10X IC
  4. Michael Phelps 10X IC
  5. Circle arms 10X IC
  6. Arm stretches R and L
  7. Weed Pickers 10X IC
  8. High Plank Position – push down on toes (heels to ground) stretch
  9. Cobra Pose stretch
  10. Best Stretch Ever – right leg 5 seconds, left leg 5 seconds
  11. SSHs: 10 IC

Mosey (approximately 0.15 miles) to the pull-up bars

Morning Call : each PAX performs 5 pull-ups while everyone else performs 5 merkins.
Rotate so each PAX has the opportunity for 5 pull-ups

Mosey to the first corner to start out.

The Thang : 4 Corners of Pain

25 carolina dry docks, 25 bobby hurleys, 25 shoulder taps, 25 mountain climbers – all IC

Mosey a full lap, to the second corner (about 0.25 miles)
Al-Gore for the 6
20 carolina dry docks, 20 bobby hurleys, 20 shoulder taps, 20 mountain climbers – all IC

Mosey a full lap, to the third corner  (about 0.25 miles)
Plank for the 6
5 diamond merkins IC while waiting for the 6
15 carolina dry docks, 15 bobby hurleys, 15 shoulder taps, 15 mountain climbers – all IC

Mosey a full lap, to the fourth corner (about 0.25 miles)
Al-Gore for the 6
5 Diamond Merkins
15 SSHs
10 carolina dry docks, 10 bobby hurleys, 10 shoulder taps, 10 mountain climbers – all IC

Mosey back to the flag for some 6MOM
American Hammers 10X IC
Heels to Heaven 10X IC
Australian Sweat Angels 10X IC


COT : YHC mentioned a few words on his heart this morning.  First, be careful with your anger, it can easily get the best of you.  Once you’ve said something, you can’t take it back (especially when dealing with our Ms!).  Second, life is short – live each day and make the best of it.  Take time with your family and your children . They will remember those special events, but will completely forget all the mind numbing hours in front of a screen.  Praises for Lowes’ son starting Jazz band!

As always, an honor and privilege to lead the men at the Chieftain.  Thanks for having me!


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