AO: The Warrior

When: 07/16/2022


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: Dos Equis, Dutch, Einstein, Element, Fonda, Foosball, Long Haul, Lowes, Sand Trap, Spike, Trigger, Tuck, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lowes, Sandtrap, Woody

The BackBlast:

18 PAX from all over came together to celebrate the two-year anniversary of the Indian Valley Region. Two years ago, in the heart of the pandemic, strong HIMs from all over helped Lowes start this region. Over the course of that time, the region grew into a sizeable impactful group, with four separate AOs working out over 5 days.

This day started with a pre-ruck at 5:30am across Harleysville, starting at the Warrior AO, touring the Harleysville Community Center (home of the Arrowhead), then heading back through the newly established trails, covering just under 3 miles. The PAX from other regions introduced the idea of “the Sandbag” (~45 lbs) which was passed amongst the PAX, in addition to the ruck sack.

The beatdown started with a lower body workout, let be Sandtrap. After a brief warm up, and half-mile mosey, all PAX lugged our coupons and ruck sacks to the soccer field for a four corners drill. Each PAX completed, 2 sets of four corners with weighted squats, Bonnie Blairs, One-Legged Weighted Lunges, Apollo Ohnos. Between each corner, PAX either sprinted or karaoked to the next station.

Following the lower body, each PAX headed over to the baseball field where Woody had pre-set cones at each of the 9 positions on the field. Conveniently, we had 18 PAX, so the beatdown was even.

  • Each PAX started on the fence with wall-sit (People’s Chair).
  • After a 20 count, each PAX had to sprint out to a cone. Only rules were: 1) You can’t go to the same cone twice, and 2) You can’t have more than two people at a cone.
  • Once at the cone, there was a sheet of paper that had 2-4 exercises to complete. PAX at the cone would complete the exercises together, then run back to the fence.
    • Pitcher
      • 20 – Bear to Crabs (flip back and forth)
      • 25 – Carolina Dry Docks (High Merkins)
      • 30 Nolan Ryan (side plank w arm extended, punch underneath)
    • 1st Base
      • 30 Standard Merkins
      • 30 LBCs
      • 30 American Hammers
    • 2nd Base
      • 20 Shoulder Taps
      • 20 Big Boy Sit-ups
      • 5 Burpees
    • 3rd Base
      • 30 American Hammers
      • 15 Diamond Merkins
      • 30 Mountain Climbers
    • Shortstop
      • Count in your Head 45 seconds
      • Around the World
      • 45 -side plank
      • 45 – regular plank
      • 45 – side plank
      • 45 – hold the world (butt down, arms and legs up)
    • Catcher
      • 10 decline Merkins (feet on fence)
      • Bear Crawl Home Plate to pitcher and back
      • Low Wall-Sit (until everyone is complete)
    • Left Field
      • 15 Burpees
      • 25 Side Straddle Hops
    • Center Field
      • 30 Freddie Mercuries
      • 30 Dips
      • 20 Merkins
    • Right Field
      • 20 Hand-Release Merkins (when down on belly, lift hands up)
      • 45 seconds Side Plank (self-count)
      • 45 seconds other side plank (self count)
  • All PAX would remain in People’s Chair until six is in.
  • Once six is in, all PAX would do a mosey around the perimeter of baseball field (home plate to RF Foul pole, around fence, to LF foul pole, to home plate.
  • Everyone gets back in People’s Chair

We completed 5 rounds of this set.

COT – Thankful for this great group, and the people who supported its growth over the years.


Following the Beatdown, we had an extended coffeeteria, set-up by Pinto and Slogger.


1 thought on “2yr Indian Valley Anniversary”

  1. Had a great time posting down range at your 2 year anniversary! You guys have a great thing going on in your region. Keep up the incredible work. – Steak Knives F3 Cape Fear


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