AO: The Chieftain

When: 02/16/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Double D, Dutch, Lowes, Pinto, Sand Trap, Slogger, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Woody

The BackBlast:

The tardy Q arrived at 5:32am, but luckily Pinto led the group in some early warm-ups to stay on track. The Chieftain was still snow covered, but that didn’t stop us for using the terrain for a good beatdown.


  • Side Straddle Hops (20x) – Pinto-led

Intro & Disclaimer


  • Side Straddle Hops (25)
  • Weed Pickers (20)
  • Arm Circles / Circle Arms (20 each)
  • Imperial Walkers (20)

Long Mosey around the field ending at Far Goalpost

 Set #1 Hills

PAX start at the bottom of the hill near the goal post. One rep includes moving up and down the hill.

  • 5X – High Knees Up – 10 Merkins at top & 10 Squats at Bottom (some added a 6th rep)
  • 3X – Bear Crawl Up / Crab Walk Down – 10 Merkins at Top & 10 Squats at Bottom
  • 3X – Bernie Sanders Up – 10 Merkins at Top & 10 Squats at Bottom

Mosey to Basketball Court

Set #2 – Sideways Plank Walk w Super Bowl Trivia

  • Starting at sideline in Plank. Q asks Super Bowl Trivia; Group has to agree on an answer:
    • If Correct – Three side steps across
    • If Incorrect – Three Merkins Merkins
    • (started w one Merkin for Good luck)
  • Continue to other sideline
    • More questions were answered incorrectly than correctly!

Mosey back to Flags

Set #3 – 6 Minute of Mary

  • 6 inches – 60 seconds
  • LBCs – 20x
  • Freddie Mercury – 20x
  • American Hammer – 20x


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