AO: The Chieftain

When: 07/12/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: 20/20, Drop cloth, Fonda, Foxhole, Pinto, Sand Trap, Slogger, Strudel, Tuck, Woody,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Woody

The BackBlast:

This workout had a baseball theme. We are currently in the MLB All-Star Break. I’m a huge fan, and baseball is what brought me into F3. I find a way to coach just about every youth sport, and coached Lowes’ son in baseball this season. I figured my VQ should follow that theme.


  • Side Straddle Hops (25)
  • Arm Circles (20)
  • Circle Arms (20)
  • Merkins (10)
  • Monkey Humpers (20)

Long Mosey Around to Baseball Field #1

Baseball Field #1 Set

(2 Coupons pre-set at each base)

  • Everyone start against fence in People’s Chair.
  • Two people start at home plate and go around the bases.
    • Home Plate – 20 Overhead Press w Coupon
    • 1st Base – 20 Merkins on Coupon
    • 2nd Base – 20 Squats w Coupon
    • 3rd Base – 20 Curls for the Girls w Coupon
    • After 3rd base, go back to wall until you’re “at bat” again
  • Continue around the bases 3 times, then end up back in People’s Chair

Long Mosey around the Field to Baseball Field #2

Baseball Field #2 Set

  • Everyone start against fence in People’s Chair.
  • Two people start at home plate and go around the bases.
  • Instructions: Follow Instructions at each base, then sprint to next base
    • Home Plate – 10 Diamond Merkins
    • 1st Base – 10 Bobby Hurley (Hand Slap Squats followed by jump)
    • 2nd Base – 20 Plank Jacks
    • 3rd Base – 8 Burbees
    • After 3rd base, go back to wall until you’re “at bat” again
  • Continue around the bases 3 times, then end up back in People’s Chair

Mosey back to Parking Lot 

On your 6s (Mary)

  • LBCs (15)
  • Freddie Mercury (15)
  • Dolly (15)
  • Plank (15)
  • Left Plank (10)
  • Right Plank (10)


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