Pinto’s Olympic Beatdown

10 PAX met in the Chieftain gloom for an Olympic themed beatdown lead by YHC (Pinto). Just as the 5 rings of the Olympiad symbolize the uniting of the 5…

Olympic Gold 2020

Warm-a-Rama(opening ceremony) 20 SHH 20 Weedpickers 20 Circle Arms 20 Arm Circles 20 Abe Vagoda Thang (Decathlon athletic event) 2 PAX do 10 pull ups at playground while remaining PAX…

Card Sharks F3 Style

F3 core principles, credo and purpose. Disclaimer given. Quick warm up of Hill Billies, Weed Picked and Huggies Bears Card Sharks F3 Style F3 work out cards divided into suits…

Ballpark Tour

This workout had a baseball theme. We are currently in the MLB All-Star Break. I’m a huge fan, and baseball is what brought me into F3. I find a way…

Log Flipping, Coupon Hoist, Planks and Moseys

F3 core principles, purpose and credo Disclaimer given Warm up – 5 motivators, arm circles, circle arms and weed pickers. Mosey around parking lot and stop at log flipping station.…

Summer Court Out and Back

We just missed the last remnants of Elsa this morning, so the PAX stayed dry and Strudel didn’t have to break out his Speedo for the run. Oh well, there…

Seven of Diamonds

We pulled a workout from the Exicon; Seven of Diamonds! Exercises done at each base of the baseball diamond.  Seven reps each base increased by seven more reps each time…

Upper Body Shredder

On a rather cooler July morning 10 PAX gathered for an upper body destroying beatdown. Warm-a-Rama 15 SSH 15 Abe Vigodas 15 Arm Circles 15 Circle Arms 15 Weedpickers 15…

F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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