Christmas Eve Ruck & Run

A few months ago, Foxhole had a great idea to host a Ruck on Christmas Eve as part of our regular Arrowhead Run. When the day came, Foxhole went all…

End of the Year Block Party

The 8 PAX were out to celebrate the completion of 2021 with a BLOCK Party sponsored by DoubleD. Warm-up: Alarm Clock Abe Vigoda Arm circles, circle arms & The Chinook…

Santa Needs Some Help

Continuation of Christmas-Themed “Woodstock” (Week of Woody). The last beatdown of the week. Being December 22nd, we had to bring out the Santa Hat again. 10 PAX showed up to…

Bodies Hit the Floor

4 PAX’s bodies hit the floor at the hand of Brutal Strudel. Warm-a-Rama 15 Side Straddle Hops 15 Abe Vagoda 15 Emperial Walkers 15 Overhead Claps 15 Arm Circle 15…

Run Run Rudolph

It is the beginning of Christmas week and the continuation of the week of Woody (Woodstock!). Its was 20 degrees at post time and luckily no mind. We did a…

December Callout

Sometimes it just takes a little guilt to get people out in the Gloom. Participation at The Arrowhead has dwindled in direct proportion to the temperature. With only a few…

Route 66

After fartsacking 2 Mondays in a row and then being away the week after Thanksgiving, YHC made my triumphant return to Monday’s at The Chieftain, averting another fartsack by signing…

Take Wings and Fly

YHC was told that he didn’t have to submit this BB due to a technical issue with the site following the time of the beatdown, but I felt that I…

Black Friday – SAHS Loop

It was a rainy Black Friday, but 3 PAX got in 5.7-6.0 miles on a new route toward the high school. It was a little longer (time and distance) than…

Pain Station Tour

It was a balmy and clear 24 degrees at post-time and 11 PAX braved the “heat” showing up ready to work. We planned to utilize the entire terrain of Franconia…

F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3.
Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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