Football Fields and Hidden Trails

We were a little undermanned at the Arrowhead, but 3 PAX ventured out for a tour of two nearby football fields, and some hidden “cut through” trails that we’ve never…

Coupon buddy

Coupon buddy work out. Pax teamed with Coupon for full body workouts, with coupon

Run of Paine

Today in the Harleysville gloom, we were delighted to welcome back a founding member of F3 Indian Valley that we hadn’t seen in some time, House of Paine! Today I…

Hennings to Farmview to Alderfer Loop

Mornings are getting darker, but we’re entering the best time of the year for runs. Cool mornings! Even with a few of our regulars unable to attend (Lowes and Pinto),…

The BurpBoy MerMount Squad

Warm Up Grasspickers, Hillbillies, Windmills, Michael Phelps, & SSHs Followed by amosey around the outside of the field. The Thang Our squad of PAX circled up for BBMMS! That is:…

4 Corner beatdown

Four corner relay, exercises at corners: merkin, shoulder touch, lunge, overhead clap, side straddle hop, sit up, squat, and weed

Discounted 11’s

Coupon Day Warm up 20 Side Stradle Hop IC 15 Arm Circles / 15 Cicle Arm IC 20 Weed Pickera IC 20 Michael Phelps IC 20 Hill Billies IC Mosey…

Bear Brawls and Relay Pain Stations

Warm morning at the Chieftain — Best way to break a sweat is to mix some moseys, some Bear Brawls, and some relay pain stations. Intro & Warm-up SSH (20x)…

The World is our AO

Due to my ongoing elbow pain, I haven’t been Q’ing much, but I recently discovered some new real estate around the Chieftain, that I was itching to show off and…

Brutal Strudel strikes again

Brutal Strudel strikes again with a Dark Web reprisal featuring lots of Merkins, Raise the Roof, Jump Squats, Burpees, Bonnie Blairs, SSH and Donkey Kicks and more Merkins (Let the…

F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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