Totally Random Beatdown

9 PAX met in the Indian Valley gloom (actually it was pretty nice) for a Totally Random beatdown.  “Totally Random” because the majority of the exercises were randomly selected by…

Wheelbarrows and Heavy Stuff

Conditions – Every day above ground is a perfect day, beautiful IV weather F3 Disclaimer and Rusty Q disclaimer Warm Up SSHs 20 Touch the toes stretch Grady Corn Abe…

7 of Diamonds

10 PAX converged on the Chieftain Indian Valley gloom as YHC instituted a 7 of Diamonds beatdown around the four corners of the soccer field.  A few PAX had a…

The Year 1982

16 #HIM descended upon the beautiful Franconia Community Park (The Chieftain) to help YHC celebrate my final couple of days of being 38! Disclaimer and review of the 5 Core…

Dude Ranch “Vacation” Beatdown

YHC lead a Dude Ranch “Vacation” beatdown featuring two newly invented exercises and a few old favorites.  The theme for this workout was the stages of a dude ranch vacation. …

Hidden Trails

7PAX got together at a cool morning to explore the hidden trails of Harleysville. After a brief warmup including arm circles, hip circles, hip flexor stretch, and calf raises, Strudel…


Conditions :  Around 43 degrees, with almost no wind, surprising for Indian Valley! DISCLAIMER :  Was given, the 5 core principles of F3 were also reviewed. Warmup :   Arm circles…

Shoulder Smoker and Leg Shredder

10 PAX gathered at the The Chieftain for a leg shredding and shoulder smoking beatdown led by Lowes! After light rain overnight and the day before, the AO was surprisingly…

Cinco de Mayo Trivia

Station 1-5 reps Abe Vigodas, plank jacks, box cutters, shoulder taps, motivators Trivia question-get it right bear crawl to next station. Get it wrong inchworm merkin to next station. Station…

Sound of Mosey

This Beatdown is a variation of the legendary Sound of Music Song “Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti” with the Motto “When you know these F3 things, you can…

F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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