I lift things up and put them down.

Welcome and disclaimer given. Warm up with motivators, overhead claps, seal claps and weed pickers. Everyone grabbed a coupon and off for a quick mosey to the other end of…

Tribute to Dusty Hill

Disclaimer was given. Warm Up: Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Overhead Claps, Side Straddle Hops, and Grass Pickers. The Thing: Moseyed, while carrying coupons, across park to hill. Completed a course…

Flex Friday – Runners Edition

It was fantastic to see Butterfly back in the gloom this morning and also to see Double D back at the Arrowhead for the first time in a while 😀…

80’s Beats-down

What do the #Danger Zone, Here I Go Again (aka #Black Snake), and the Final Countdown have in common? Not only are they awesome songs but they were incorporating into…

Seven of Diamonds

We pulled a workout from the Exicon; Seven of Diamonds! Exercises done at each base of the baseball diamond.  Seven reps each base increased by seven more reps each time…

Upper Body Shredder

On a rather cooler July morning 10 PAX gathered for an upper body destroying beatdown. Warm-a-Rama 15 SSH 15 Abe Vigodas 15 Arm Circles 15 Circle Arms 15 Weedpickers 15…

F3 Indian Valley 1 Year Manniversary

YHC can hardly believe its been one whole year since we started this thing on July 1, 2020 in the middle of a global pandemic, but here I am writing…

Push pull box

Workout: Four stations set up in a box with multiple upper body exercises at each. PAX went from station to station doing one set of one exercise then moving on.…

F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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