AO: The Warrior

When: 05/14/2022


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Slogger, Strudel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Strudel/ Slogger

The BackBlast:


Slogger Stretches

Reach your toe stretch

Dial stretch

2x Motivators

15 Arm Circles

15 Circle Arms


Short Mosey around the park


Strudel 1

2 min SSH

20 Pull Ups

20 Merkins

20 Squats

2 min SSH

Slogger 1


Up and down the long side of parking lot.   Switching from bear crawl to Crabwalk every second parking stall line, 1 Annie at each transition

Strudel 2

Mosey to river rocks

20 Curls with rock,

Rifle carry to bench

20 overhead press

Leave rock at bench and

Bernie Sanders uphill to school side

50 Squats

Mosey back downhill

20 Curls with coupon

Rifle carry to river rock

Mosey back to parking lot

Slogger 2

Back at parking lot, using parking lot striping Carioca along every line in the following fashion, across, mosey up to next stall, across, up, across, up, etc until you reach the end of the parking lot.

Side step back down again in the same fashion

Finishing up with 6MoM




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F3 - Indian Valley
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