The Rubber Meets The Road

AO: The Chieftain

When: 01/03/2022


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Double D, Fonda, Foxhole, Iceman, Pâté, Pinto, Skipper, Slogger, Strudel, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pâté

The BackBlast:

10 pax showed up in the 25 degree gloom to warm up with some tire flipping and tired dragging and some coupons thrown in for fun beat down.

F3 welcome and disclaimer given.

Warm up with 15 Overhead Claps, 15 Abe Vigodas, 15 Huggy Bears and 15 SSH all IC. Finished with some cat cow, child’s pose  and cobra stretches.

The beatdown consisted of 6 stations, 2 pax per station.

Station 1 –  tire flip for 25 yards. Leaves tire then mosey back to the line to switch with the other pax who was doing AMAYC Freddie Mercury’s. Pax then moseys to the tire and flips it back

Station 2 – tire drag for 50 yards. Leaves tire then moseys back to line to switch with the other pax who was doing AMAYC plank jacks. Pax then moseys to the tire and drags it back.

Station 3 – overhead press while walking the 50 yards. Pax leaves coupon and moseys back to switch with the other pax who was doing AMAYC dips. The one pax then moseys back to the coupon and overhead presses back.

Station 4 – another tire flip to the end and mosey back while the other pax does AMAYC lunges with a coupon. Pax then switch.

Station 5- another tire drag station to the end and mosey back while other pax does AMAYC hillbillies. Pax then switch.

Station 6- toy soldier to the end with a coupon and mosey back while other pax does AMAYC merkins. Pax then switch.

All stations will hold plank finished until the 6 is in. Pax then rotate to the next station.

Each pax was able to rotate through each station twice.









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