AO: The Chieftain

When: 01/10/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Double D, Dutch, Fonda, Lowes, Pinto, Slogger, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Woody

The BackBlast:

In honor of Georgia competing for the National Championship this evening, this beat down was dedicated to Philly’s favorite Georgia Heisman Trophy Winner. Herschel Walker won the Heisman Trophy in 1982 for the Georgia Bulldogs. He played for a number of teams including the Philadelphia Eagles for 3 years in the mid-90s.

I remember Herschel Walker for being an absolute beast and also remember the stories (legends) of his famous workouts. This one was for him!

Seven (7) very cold PAX did our best Herschel Walker impression. Each day, almost 60 yr old (birthday on March 3rd) Herschel Walker is said to perform: 750-1,500 pushups |3,000 sit-ups | 1,500 pull-ups | 1,000 dips | 1,000 squats | Run 8 miles per day.

At the end of this beatdown, PAX will have completed 200 Merkins | 100 Sit-ups | 100 Dips | 25 Squats | 25 American Hammers | 1.38 mile run.

… not quite Herschel numbers, but its a start. I don’t think Herschel gets weather this “brisk” down in Georgia.

Welcome – Disclaimer given (watch the ice!!!)

Warm Up

  • Side Straddle Hops – 25
  • Arm Circles / Circle arms – 15 each
  • Shoulder Rolls / Rolls Shoulder – 15 each

Short Mosey Around the Playground (avoid ice as much as possible) end at Playground

Set #1 – Herschel Walker Power (all exercises, OYO, then finish in plank)

  • 50 Merkins / 20 Pullups at Playground – Split in any way
    • Sit in Plank until 6 is in
  • Run as a team to Basketball Courts
  • 50 Big Boy Situps / 20 Ranger Merkins – Split in any way
    • Stay in Plank until 6 is in
  • Run as a team to Playground
  • 50 Merkins / 20 Pullups at Playground – split any way you want
    • Stay in Plank until 6 is in
  • Run as a team to Basketball Courts
  • 50 Big Boy Situps / 20 Ranger Merkins – Split any way you want
    • Stay in Plank until 6 is in

Mosey back to flags

Set #2 – Hershel Walker Speed – Cones are set up approximately 50 yards apart in parking lot

  • Sprint up and jog back – end with 20 shoulder taps (L & R = 1)
    • Plank until 6
  • Sprint up and jog back – end with 25 Squats
    • Air chair until 6
  • Sprint Up and jog back – end with 20 merkins
    • Plank until 6

Short Mosey to Pavilion

Set #3 – Hershel Walker Beast

  • In cadence:
    • 20 Dips
    • 10 Incline Merkins
    • 20 Dips
    • 10 Decline Merkins
    • 10 Dips
    • 25 American Hammers

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