AO: The Warrior

When: 03/12/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Dutch, Pinto, Slogger, Strudel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pinto

The BackBlast:

4 HIM met at the The Warrior for a “Fugitive” beatdown led by Pinto [who currently has a broken arm!] The workout included some one [or no] arm exercises peppered with 3 miles of mosey…because the one-armed man is always on the run!

The Disclaimer Was Given …

The Warm-Up …

Side Straddle Hops IC 20  
Arm Circles IC 15  
Circle Arms IC 15  
Imperial Walkers IC 20  
Weed Pickers IC 20  

The Thang:

PAX met at the shovel flag.  Moving along the outside perimeter of the parking lot, PAX did: Carioca, Bernie Sanders, Carioca, and Mosey along each leg.  On the second trip around the perimeter of the parking log PAX did: Carioca, High Knees, Carioca, and Butt Kickers.

PAX then met at the Pavilion.  The concept for this workout is that the Fugitive (the one armed man) is always on the run, so PAX completed one prescribed exercise then took a substantial mosey around the park.

Exercises at the pavilion included:

  • 20 LBC – I.C. – Mosey
  • 20 One-Arm Merkins – O.Y.O. (10 per side) – Mosey
  • 25 Copperhead Squat – I.C. – Mosey
  • 20 Big-Boys – O.Y.O. – Mosey
  • 25 Flutter Kicks – I.C. – Mosey

All-told PAX got in about 3 miles of mosey.


Continued prayers for those in Ukraine, and those among us that have experienced loss, sickness and medical challenges.  Thank you for my brothers that are willing to tackle my lower-body and core whimsy while YHC is on the semi I.R.

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