
AO: The Warrior

When: 11/20/2021


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Lowes, Slogger,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lowes/Slogger

The BackBlast:

While many regulars were in a warmer climate golfing or running around the city of Philadelphia, Slogger and Lowes held down the fort at The Warrior. It was a chilly 28 degrees so the committe of Q’s went straight to work in order to keep warm.

Warmup – Slogger

Started right off with a long mosey around the park and then returned to the flag for some stretching and typical warmup exercises.

I don’t recall the exercises but Slogger’s cadence counting was near perfection…other than many times it resulted in double the expected reps… 🙂

Thang 1 – Lowes

Over to the pavillion for some bench work.

Coyote Uglies – 3 (yes…only three because they suck and because I think the benches at the Warrior are higher than the ones at the Chieftain)

Pyramid of Stepups and Dips (IC) -> 15 – 20 – 25- 20 – 15

Thang 2 – Slogger

Apple Turnovers across the length of the Parking Log (Bear crawl two spaces; crab walk 2 spaces, etc, etc)

A comment from Slogger about how these could easily be turned into Apple Strudel or something like that gave YHC an idea…

Next we traced out the parking spaces with that football drill that I don’t know what its called, run forward, side shuffle, run backward, side shuffle etc, etc etc all the way to the end of the lot…and then to keep it balanced all the way back.

Thang 3 – Lowes

Because our shoulders weren’t smoked enough already and because I wanted to act quickly on a good idea, it was back to the upper end of the parking lot to try a new exercise in honor of our beloved Strudel – the Apple Strudel.

The Apple Strudel is just like a normal Apple Turnover except at each transition between the bear crawls and the crab walks, you add in Annie’s (2 count right side and 2 cound left side). Such a simple addition but it makes the exercise surprisingly more difficult!

6MOM – Lowes/Slogger

Freddy Mercuries


Box Cutters



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TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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