AO: The Chieftain

When: 08/10/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Double D, Foosball, Glück, Hummer, Pinto, Strudel, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Gluck

QIC: Foosball

The BackBlast:

Warmup – Side Straddle Hops, Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Weed Pickers, Michael Phelps …Mosey around Parking Lot

The Thang:  9 Pain Stations set at each position of a Baseball Field.   PAX would line up against the backstop and sprint out to the Painstation, complete Exercise and sprint back holding a wall sit until 6 arrives.

Home Plate – Bear Crawl to Pitchers Mound and Back

Pitchers Mound – Crab Walk to Home Plate and Back

First Base – (10) Squats (20) LBCs (30) Mountain Climbers

Second Base – (10) Merkens (20) Big Boys (30) Box Cutters

Short Stop (10) Diamond Merkens, (20) Apollo Ohnos (30) Squats

Third Base (10) Burpees (20) Single Leg Lunges (30) High Knees

Left Field (10) Wide Arm Merkens (20) Mountain Climbers (30) LBC

Center Field (10) Flutter Kicks (20) Rosalitas (30) Mountain Climbers

RIght Field (10) Merkens (20) Squats (30) High Knees


Team Run the Bases Relay Race to finish the work out

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