AO: Crazy Horse

When: 06/09/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Lockdown, Pinto, Sand Trap, Slogger, Woody,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Woody

The BackBlast:

Qing at Crazy Horse is always an honor. So much park to work with!!

5:30 – 5:32 Intro


  • Side Straddle Hops (20x)
  • Arm Circles / Circle Arms (15x each)
  • Weed Pickers (20x)
  • Quad Stretch (10 seconds each side)


Set #1 – Pavilion Work

  • Dips IC (25x)
  • Irkins (20x)
  • Dirkins (15x)
  • Step-Ups (35x)
  • Box Jumps (15x)
  • Balboas (1 Min)
  • Butt Lifts (30 seconds)


Set #2 – Soccer Fields – Army Crawl Plank

Army Crawl Plank 10 yards / 10 SSH / 10 Squats

Long Mosey

MARY (American Hammers — always American Hammers – 25x)

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