AO: The Chieftain

When: 01/27/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Double D, Fonda, Hops, Lowes, Pinto, Spike,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Pinto

The BackBlast:

6 #HIM completed 5 rounds; each consisting of 6 exercises (Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Squats, Dips, Step Ups, and Burpees) in increasing; then decreasing ladder format.  At the conclusion of each round (alternating short trail and long trail) moseys were conducted.  This “Pinto’s Little Giant Ladder Beatdown” was initiated by YHC as his VQ.  Much fun was had by all; the support and input by the PAX for this VQ was incredible and was greatly appreciated!

“Pinto’s Little Giant Ladder Beatdown”


The Warmup:

Side Straddle Hops IC 12
Arm Circles IC 12
Circle Arms IC 12
Weed Pickers IC 12


The Thang:

Merkins IC 6
Flutter Kicks IC 6
Squats IC 9
Dips IC 6
Step Ups IC 6
Burpees SC 6
Short Mosey


Merkins IC 9
Flutter Kicks IC 9
Squats IC 12
Dips IC 9
Step Ups IC 9
Burpees SC 9
Long Mosey


Merkins IC 12
Flutter Kicks IC 12
Squats IC 15
Dips IC 12
Step Ups IC 12
Burpees SC 12
Short Mosey


Merkins IC 9
Flutter Kicks IC 9
Squats IC 12
Dips IC 9
Step Ups IC 9
Burpees SC 9
Long Mosey


Merkins IC 6
Flutter Kicks IC 6
Squats IC 9
Dips IC 6
Step Ups IC 6
Burpees SC 6
Short Mosey


Prayed speedy and full recovery for Fonda’s Father-in-Law who’s tumor appears to be shrinking (discovered after a fall).  Also prayed for a speedy and full recovery for Hopses Father-in-Law who is not feeling well, has had a Covid test, and is awaiting the results.  Also as a note; Butterfly is now a Grandfather!

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