Merkin Ladder with Core Pain

AO: The Chieftain

When: 01/13/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Butterfly, Fonda, Lowes, Pinto, Spike,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Butterfly

QIC: Spike

The BackBlast:

Conditions :  Just below 30 degrees, without any wind, relatively clear skies.

Disclaimer was given, as YHC saw a smiling FNG, and made sure to give the “full blown, 100%, F3 approved” disclaimer and F3 overview including the 5 core principles!

Warmup :  

  1. SSHs 10X IC
  2. Arm circles 10X IC
  3. Weed Pickers 10X IC
  4. Plank Position – push down on toes (heels to ground) stretch
  5. Best Stretch Ever – right leg 10 seconds, left leg 10 seconds with hands in the air
  6. Goofballs 15X IC
  7. Sprinkler’s 10X IC

Mosey around the baseball diamond
PAX stopped at the fence behind home plate for wall-sits, and while we wall-sat, we did 25 overhead presses!

Short mosey over to the nicely lit pavilion.  It is the most lit spot in the entire park!

The Thang – Merkin Ladder with Pain Stations

YHC had my trusty printed weinke with me so as not to forget the order, or miss anything important.  After the first mosey, our FNG was lagging a bit, so YHC modified to make the other moseys slightly shorter in length.

Reps : 20X of each, in cadence

  1. Merkins – then mosey
  2. Merkins, Leg-raises – then mosey
  3. Merkins, Leg-raises, Dips – then mosey
  4. Merkins, Leg-raises, Dips, Hillbillys – then mosey
  5. Merkins, Leg-raises, Dips, Hillbillys, LBCs – then mosey
  6. Merkins, Leg-raises, Dips, Hillbillys, LBCs, Step-Ups – then mosey
  7. Merkins, Leg-raises, Dips, Hillbillys, LBCs, Step-Ups, E2K – then mosey

For those who were counting, that equals :
140 single Merkins
120 leg raises
100 dips
80 hillbillies
60 LBCs
40 step-ups
20 E2K
And just under 2 miles in moseys.

The PAX (including YHC) were chatty in the presence of an FNG, which is always a good time!

With our cores nice and warmed, we only had a few minutes left :

  1. Heels to Heaven – 10x IC 
  2. Superman Swims x 10 IC


NAME-O-RAMA : Our FNG (Sal) is a neighbor to both Pinto and Fonda.  Fonda gets the credit for the EH.  Sal is a former boxer, lacrosse player, football player, so we figured “Butterfly” would fit him well, for the whole “float like a butterfly thing.”  And YHC also thought of a sweet little butterfly tattoo he might have on his ankle (although no one checked).  Not sure where that thought came from!

Announcements / Prayer Requests
Continue to pray for Lowes Brother-in-law, who is still fighting the Corona Virus, Fonda’s father-in-law and Butterfly’s father in law are both battling different illnesses.  Prayers for our country, safety and health!

Closing Prayer

As always, it my honor to Q in Indian Valley!  I await the days when we can see more of the park in broad daylight again!  Until then, we will huddle in the parking lot and the awesome pavilion!

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