Leg Day at The Warrior featuring Speed Humpers with Lowes

AO: The Warrior

When: 07/30/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Fonda, Lockdown, Lowes, Slogger, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lowes

The BackBlast:

3 for a pre-ruck (Lowes, Lockdown and Slogger – Lockdown and Slogger got to try out their shiny new GoRuck sacks!) and 1 for a pre-mosey (Woody).

5 for Leg Day with Lowes at The Warrior!


With a little flavor of Q School refresher points from Dr. Suess’s visit from LV earlier in the week..


Abe Vigoda

Alternating Side Lunges

Copperhead Squats

Silent SSH in Cadence (20) – PAX nailed this with perfection!

The Thang:

About 2 years ago in Valley Forge (Blast Furnace) YHC coined the exercise Speed Humpers which can rarely be performed as originally intended (with actual speed humps and signs that say speed hump). Lucky for the PAX of Indian Valley and for the residents on Grayson Lane, I discovered the ideal setting for this exercise in their unsuspecting neighborhood.

Mosey on the park trail towards Cambridge Circle, take Cambridge Cir up to Windson Dr. Turn left on Windsor Drive. As the PAX approached Grayson Lane, I yelled STOP! and pointed out the Speed Hump sign that was so effectively pointing out the speed hump approaching (with probably more than ample warning time).

It was time for our first round of Speed Humpers – 60 seconds of monkey humpers as fast as you can.

Continue the mosey, turn right on Grayson Lane. Stop at the next Speed Hump sign for Round 2.

Continue the mosey down Grayson Lane, turn around at the intersection with Landis Road, head back and stop at the Speed Hump sign for a little stretch and round 3 of Speed Humpers.

Continue the mosey up Grayson Lane, pass by Windsor Lane and continue until reaching the next Speed Hump sign. 4th round of Speed Humpers.

Continue the mosey down Grayson Lane until we get to the other intersection with Landis Road and then turn around. Stop at the Speed Hump sign for another stretch followed by the 5th round of Speed Humpers.

Continue the mosey to Windsor Lane, turn right and stop at the Speed Hump sign for our 6th and final round of Speed Humpers.

Lots of good chatter throughout this section of the workout.

Mosey back towards the park, stopping at the cul-de-sac of Cambridge Cirle for some Calf Raises utilizing the curb (in cadence).

Mosey over to the first softball field on the left for some Lt. Dans around the bases after the PAX (sort of) located 2nd base. 1 Squat followed by 4 lunge walks, 2 Squats 8 lunge walks, 3 squats 12 lung walks, etc etc until we rounded the bases back to home. I believe YHC finished during the 5 and 25 round….

Can you feel your legs now brothers???

Easy mosey around the perimeter of the field to shake it out, and then over to the pavilion for a little extended 6MOM. Around the circle, taking turns, with an opportunity to provide the Q with feedback after each exercise:

Fonda – LBCs (IC)

Slogger – Box Cutters (IC)

Lockdown – ABC’s (upper case, on Q’s cue)

Woody – American Hammers (IC)

Lowes – Flutter Kicks (with changing speeds of the cadence to keep the PAX on their toes)




Coffeteria with some interesting discussion on the topic of oral hygiene.

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