AO: The Arrowhead

When: 06/24/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Ponzi, Slogger, Strudel, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Woody

The BackBlast:

Four PAX woke up and moseyed on a foggy Friday morning. Two of our regular PAX fartsacked (or smartsacked?) as they prepare for the F3 Keystone Convergence this evening. The PAX took a new route running through Harleysville out to Alderfer Park and around Farm View Park. With only one turn, the PAX inadvertently drew a design that eerily looked like Harry Potter on a broomstick.

In was great to see Strudel in the Arrowhead gloom!

  • Start at Flags, run towards Park Ave. and make a left
  • Run Clemens Park (by Basketball and Hockey Rink) out to School Lane, take out to Kulp and Make a right
  • Cut into Township building parking lot and circle around out to Main Street by the Trail at Sammy Bullfrog’s
  • Take Trail to Alderfer Park; run through Alderfer to Oak Ridge Lane
  • Make Right on Moyer, quick left onto Farm View; after Soccer fields, make left onto Cypress, then left onto Creekview Dr.
  • Take Creekview around to Cutleaf Circle, make left. At back of circle, pick up trail
  • Follow trail until fork, and make a right toward Hennings.
  • At Hennings, follow trail around to Clemens Road (cross Main Street) and pick up trail behind car wash.
  • Follow trail back across Alderfer Rd. to main trail near Bullfrog Creek.
  • Turn Right near Angelo’s pond, cross Kulp Rd. and continue through Harleysville Community Center fields back to the Flags.

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MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out. TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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