Dusting off the Old Coupons

AO: The Chieftain

When: 11/30/2020


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Double D, Fonda, Lowes,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Lowes

The BackBlast:

I don’t think the coupons have made an appearance at The Chieftain since IPC, so YHC thought it was well overdue to bring them back out for a little fun and to change things up a bit!


Nice long 10 minutes to make sure we were nice and loosened up! Several short moseys built in between some of the following exercises.



Imperial Walker

Arm Circles

Circle Arms

5 slow and perfect Merkins

Best Stretch Ever



The Thang:

Mosey over to the Basketball courts where the coupons were waiting for us!

Curls x 25

Partner Wheelbarrow to the end of the court and back

Coupon Squats x 25

Partner Wheelbarrow to the end of the court and back

Overhead Press x 25

Bear Crawl to the end of the court and back

Kettle bell swings x 25

Lunge walk to the end of the court and back

Farmer Carry two coupons to the end of the court and back while PAX hold plank – everyone gets a turn to farmer carry

Bernie Sanders to the end of the court and back

Curls x 25

Karioke to the end of the court and back

Coupon Squats x 25

Crab walk to the end of the court and back

Overhead Press x 25

Mosey to the end of the court and back

Kettle bell swings x 25

Farmer Carry two coupons to the end of the court and back while PAX hold plank – everyone gets a turn to farmer carry

And one extra set of Curls x 25…for the girls…

Mosey back over to the flag for an abbreviated Mary session!


LBC’s – 4 CT Cadence x 16

Flutters – 4 CT Cadence x 16




Continued prayers for PAX among us that are injured and continued prayers for Fonda’s father in law, Chuck

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