AO: The Warrior

When: 06/12/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Lowes, Pinto, Woody,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Pinto

The BackBlast:

3 PAX met in the Indian Valley gloom at The Warrior for a Saturday Pinto lead DOG PARK beatdown.  Temperatures; a bit cooler than seasonal.  Grass, pretty wet from the previous week’s rain.

The Warmup:

Side Straddle Hops IC 20  
Arm Circles IC 20  
Circle Arms IC 20  
Weed Pickers IC 20  
Imperial Walkers IC 20  
Parking Lot : ½ Mosey, ½ Bernie Sanders

The Beatdown:

D: Deconstructed Burpees – PAX broke down Burpees into their individual pieces. Squats, then leg thrusts, then Merkins, then leg thrusts, then up.  10 squats, 10 leg thrusts, 10 Merkins, 10 leg thrusts, then up. Reps decreased by 1 each time until the end when we did one complete perfectly formed Burpee.

O: Outlaws – PAX Moved to their 6; then from feet 6 inches off the ground, and keeping feet together and made a big “O” with them. 10 reps to the right and 10 reps to the left (IC both directions).

Mosey to the baseball field picking up a coupon along the way …

G: Ground Pounders – PAX started at the bottom of the hill and did 10 Ground Pounders

  • Starting position – holding large rock up near chest. On 1: Lift Rock over head, On 2: bring rock back to chest, On 3: bring rock down to pound the ground in a deep squat then return to starting position.

PAX then ran to the top of the hill and did 9 Ground Pounders, back down the hill to do 8, and so-on decreasing by one rep each time.

P: Pistons – PAX did 20 Pistons OYO

  • Starting in standing position and a Block/Coupon on the ground at your feet, squat and pick up block and return to standing position with it. Then perform a squat and place the block to it’s original position and return to original standing position w/out the block. Uncoordinated pax; most everyone) will eventually get out of sync thereby looking like the pistons of that “See-Thru” engine block you see at the car parts store.

Mosey back to the parking lot returning the coupon along the way …

A: Apple Turnovers – PAX bear crawled for 3 parking spots, turned and crab walked for 3 spots; rinse and repeat from one end of the lot to the other.  It’s a long lot so YHC had to call a timeout and regroup; but brought the PAX back to the position that we left off to finish the exercise all the way to the end of the lot near the end of the workout (Don’t Q it if you can’t do it)

R: Russian Dips – PAX did 20 Russian Dips (IC) per-leg.  A dip with one leg elevated and extended.

K: Knerkins – PAX did 20 Knerkins (Merkins on their knuckles) OYO.

PAX took another mosey around the parking lot

MARY BY Committee

Went around and each PAX picked and called cadence on an exercise.  Exercises included LBC’s, Fire Hydrants (Lowes demonstrated), Freddie Mercury, Flutter Kicks, Dolly. All done (20 – IC).

COT was conducted followed by the Ball of Man.


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