AO: The Chieftain

When: 09/28/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Double D, Foosball, Hummer, Lowes, Pâté, Pinto, Slogger, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Foosball

The BackBlast:

Warmup –  Side Straddle Hops – Arm Circles – Circle Arms – Weed Pickers – Michael Phelps –  Cadence

Up Tempo Mosey to 6 Pain Stations throughout Franconia Park.  6 Reps – 6 Exercises – Progressive Sets at each Pain Station

Pain Station #1:  Burpees – Squats – High Knees – American Hammers – Box Cutters – Dips (1 set)

Pain Station #2:  Merkens – Bobby Hurleys – Balboas – Flutter Kicks – Big Boys – Mountain Climbers (2 sets)

Pain Station #3 :  Diamond Merkens – Jump Squats – Supermans – Seal Claps – Dying Cockroach- LBCs (3 sets)

Pain Station #4:  In and Out Merkens – Monkey Humpers – Apollo Ohnos – Dips – High Jumps – Rosalitas (4 sets)

Pain Station #5 :  Wide Arm Merkens – Squats – High Knees – American Hammers – Box Cutters – Dips (5 sets)

Pain Station #6 : Merken w/ Rotation – Bobby Hurleys – Balboas – Flutter Kicks – Big Boys – Mountain Climbers (6 sets)

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