AO: The Warrior

When: 07/17/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Fonda, Sand Bagger, Sand Trap, Slogger, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Sherpa

QIC: Woody

The BackBlast:

Sticking to the baseball theme of the week, 6 PAX completed Magic #108. There are 108 stitches on a regulation baseball, so a few of our sets added up 108 reps (around a baseball field, of course). It was hot and humid this morning, but the crew held strong.

Welcome FNG Sherpa!!


  • Side Straddle Hops – 20
  • Arm Circles – 20
  • Circle Arms – 20
  • Weed Pickers – 20
  • Imperial Walkers 20

Mosey – Two laps around the parking lot always facing trees (Mosey, Side Step, Bernie Sanders)

The Lowes Special (Playground Pullups)

  • Everyone in plank, and take turns doing two sets of 10 pullups

Quick mosey to the parking lot

Apple Turnovers

  • Starting at one end up of the parking lot, do combination of Bear Crawls and Crab Walks, switching at each parking spot

Mosey to rock garden to pick up large rock then carry overhead to Baseball Field #1

Baseball Field #1 Set (Magic # is 108)

  • Starting at Home Plate, 9 Exercises with Rock at each base – 3X totaling 108 exercises
    • First time Around – Squats
    • Second time Around – Curls
    • Third Time Around – Tricep Extensions
  • Finish with People’s Chair (1 minute)

Mosey to rock garden to drop off rock, then to Baseball Field #2

Baseball Field #2 Set (Magic # is 108)

  • Starting at Home Plate, 9 Exercises at each base – 3X totaling 108 exercises
    • First time Around – Side Straddle Hops
    • Second Time Around – American Hammers
    • Third Time Around – Shoulder Taps
  • Finish with People’s Chair (2 minutes)

Quick Mosey to Pavilion

  • Chair Dips (20)
  • Step Ups (20)
  • Bench Merkins (15)
  • Repeat All Again

Quick Mosey to Parking Lot

Mary (On Your 6)

  • LBCs (20)
  • Flutter Kicks (15)
  • Freddie Mercury (20)
  • Dolly (15)
  • Plank (30 seconds regular, 30 seconds left, 30 seconds right)


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