AO: The Arrowhead

When: 10/07/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Duke, Foosball, House of Pain, Lowes, Pinto, Slogger, Woody,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Woody

The BackBlast:

I took over the Arrowhead Q due to an minor injury to a fellow PAX. We didn’t find a completely new route, but found some new pieces of trail and mixes of other favorites. 7 HIM moseyed about 5 miles in the cool foggy morning.


  • Start at Flags and go out toward Park Ave and go through Clemens Park
  • Loop out to School Ln, then Kulp Rd, and zig-zag through the Fire Station and Township Building Parking Lot
  • Pick up path at Sammy Bullfrog’s and take path behind carwash (1mi)
  • Crossover in front of Hennings, and pick up path behind. Take path to Cutleaf Circle
  • Circle around Farmview field (2mi) and pick up path; Follow path toward Creekview Dr., and turn right.
  • Crossover Landis and pick up path again (make a right)
  • Follow path toward Moyer and pick up path; At Cricket Ln, turn left and pick up path (3mi)
  • Follow path toward Oak Ridge Lane and cut through Alderfer Park
  • Pick up Broad St (4mi) .; Turn Left on Wilshyre Way and pick up path toward the Harleysville Y
  • Loop around the pond and then out to Maple
  • Take Maple up to Park Ave; make a right
  • Take back to Flags

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