AO: The Chieftain

When: 08/16/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Butterfly, Double D, Drop cloth, Dutch, Pinto, Sand Trap, Slogger, Woody,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Pinto

The BackBlast:

8 PAX met in the Indian Valley gloom at The Chieftain for a “Journey with Journey” beatdown.  The weather was seasonable, but the first half of the workout still pretty dark (we’re losing a bit more light every workout).

The Disclaimer was Given

The Warmup:

Side Straddle Hops IC 20  
Arm Circles IC 15  
Circle Arms IC 15  
Abe Vigoda IC 20  
Weed Pickers IC 20  
Short Mosey

The Thang:

PAX paired up at the far side of the parking lot.  Then YHC told the PAX the format; one PAX does the exercise while the other PAX moseys across the field and back; then switching (rinse and repeat) until the next song would begin (then the exercise would switch) so-on and so-forth.  Each song in the playlist a hit from, you guessed it Journey, one of YHC’s favorite bands.

Don’t Stop Believin’ Burpees 4:10  
Faithfully Squats 4:26  
Wheel in the Sky Merkins 4:12  
Only the Young LBC’s 4:01  
Who’s Crying Now Annie’s 5:02  
Stone In Love Forward Lunge (Alt. Leg) 4:26  
Anyway You Want It Ranger Merkins 3:21  

The PAX remarked that they never realized just how long Journey songs are!  This left us just enough time for a few minutes of Mary.


Box Cutters IC 20  
High Dolly IC 20  


Prayers for all PAX with family members battling illness.  We’re all looking forward to the friendly beatdown on Saturday!

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F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out. TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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