AO: The Chieftain

When: 10/26/2020


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Double D, Fonda, Lowes, Munchkin,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Lowes

The BackBlast:

Today we welcomed Fonda back from a week off letting his hip rest! We missed you brother!


Fire Hydrants – IC – 10 each side

Hillbillies – IC x 20

Cobra Stretch

Childs Pose

The Dial Up

SSH – IC x 20

Warmup lap around the 1/4 mile loop

The Thang:

Tug of War style workout under the pavillion. Several Pairs of exercises with the goal of getting to a total rep count of 100 for each pair. First exercise AMRAP and then finish out the 100 with the other exercise.

Round 1:

Merkins/Big Bois

Mountain Climbers/Jump Squats

Monkey Humpers/Step ups

Carolina Dry Docks/Bobby Hurleys

Plank Jacks/Dips

1/4 mile mosey lap

Round 2 (flip the order of the exercises for the other side of the Tug of War) – In the interest of time (NOT because it was too hard) for 2nd round the goal was 75 total reps for each set.

Big Bois/Merkins

Jump Squats/Mountain Climbers

Step ups/Monkey Humpers

Bobby Hurleys/Carolina Dry Docks

Dips/Plank Jacks

No time for Mary 🙁


COT – Continued prayers for those among us battling injuries (Drop Cloth, Chelsea, Natty Light, Risky Business from Princeton). Missing out brother House of Pain in the gloom who is working long hours on a big work project for the foreseeable future!

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F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out. TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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