04/27/2024 - The Warrior - Venice Beach

Venice Beach 10 Arm Circles 10 Circle Arms 10 Morroccian Nightclubs 10 Side Stradle Hops 10 Weed Pickers Journeyman Run (Run around the parking lot where the person in the…

05/04/2024 - The Warrior - The Force

1 Minute Per Exercise and a Mosey -Ab in outs -Supermans -Dips -Pullups -Wall sits -Merkins -Sits ups or crunches -SSH -Airsquats -Coupon curls and OH press -Group Q if…

02/10/2024 - The Warrior - Superbowl F3

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with Michael Phelps, Circle arms, arm circles, weed Pickers, and Imperial walkers. Dial up stretch and cobra to finish up. Start beat down…

07/27/2023 - The Chieftain - No Props Today

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with weed pickers, Michael Phelps, overhead claps and imperial walkers. All 10 IC. Broga stretches. Rotated through stations which includes tricep pulldowns, hanging…

F3 - Indian Valley
If the aim is to build long-term fitness and health, the exercise must be sustainable.
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