We’re Goin’ on a Bear Hunt

Warmup – Side Straddle Hops, Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Weed Pickers, Michael Phelps – Cadence.   Mosey to the Brokeback Mountain The Thang PAX would bear crawl up Brokeback Mountain stopping…

Put Me in Coach I’m Ready to Play

Warmup – Side Straddle Hops, Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Weed Pickers, Michael Phelps …Mosey around Parking Lot The Thang:  9 Pain Stations set at each position of a Baseball Field. …

Treehugger Tribute

David Crossett, known as Treehugger in F3-Fleetwood, was 39 when he passed away on June 29th this year.  He was an accomplished attorney, and co-owner of his own law firm. …

Plank Army Crawl

Qing at Crazy Horse is always an honor. So much park to work with!! 5:30 – 5:32 Intro Warm-up Side Straddle Hops (20x) Arm Circles / Circle Arms (15x each)…

The World is our AO

Due to my ongoing elbow pain, I haven’t been Q’ing much, but I recently discovered some new real estate around the Chieftain, that I was itching to show off and…

Brutal Strudel strikes again

Brutal Strudel strikes again with a Dark Web reprisal featuring lots of Merkins, Raise the Roof, Jump Squats, Burpees, Bonnie Blairs, SSH and Donkey Kicks and more Merkins (Let the…

Oldie but goodie!

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with Michael Phelps, Weedpickers, Side Straddle Hops. The Thang: Our goal as PAX is to workout and grow stronger as men.  In an…

Pain Station Mosey With Treats

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with Michael Phelps, overhead claps, hillbillies, merkins into cobra stretch. Mosey around park loop with coupons and stop at pain stations. Stations included…

F3 Strava Art

Before the run, the true artist (Slogger) behind the previous days aspirational strava art shared on Slack was revealed. The “Hardcore 4” runners then embarked on a new route in…

F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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