A little bit of New and Old

I took over the Arrowhead Q due to an minor injury to a fellow PAX. We didn’t find a completely new route, but found some new pieces of trail and…

Bow and Weave…mostly Weave

Woody, Foosball, Duke, Slogger, and House of Pain met for a brisk morning run. It was 46 degrees and partly cloudy with no wind. Great conditions for a run. The…

Hennings to Farmview to Alderfer Loop

Mornings are getting darker, but we’re entering the best time of the year for runs. Cool mornings! Even with a few of our regulars unable to attend (Lowes and Pinto),…

December Callout

Sometimes it just takes a little guilt to get people out in the Gloom. Participation at The Arrowhead has dwindled in direct proportion to the temperature. With only a few…

Desmond Doss Beatdown

Ruck sacked our wounded off the battle field. But stopped by 2 pain stations along the way. A little “Danger Zone” and Thunder Stuck” at PS #1 and at PS#2-…

High stakes suicides

F3 Core Principles Disclaimer given Warm up with Imperial walkers, arm circles, circle arms, mountain climbers and weed pickers. Start at baseline and mosey up to 25 yards for 25…

Taco Run

A wise man once said (okay, it was Lowes during our run), a town hasn’t really made it until it has a Taco Bell. Well, to the dismay of many…

Ballpark Tour, The Sequel

5 PAX ran a 4-4.4 mile run in the humidity of Harleysville, taking a scenic tour of a few (about 14) of the many different baseball fields throughout the area.…

Run Past Pinto’s Place with Indian Runs

6 PAX met in the Indian Valley Gloom for an approximately 5 mile run including some Indian Runs around the Middle School track near the end.  The weather was unseasonably…

F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out.
TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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