AO: The Chieftain

When: 11/29/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Double D, Fonda, Pinto,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pinto

The BackBlast:

3 PAX in the cold Chieftain gloom for a Pinto led “Second Coming of Kong” beatdown featuring a “Gorilla Complex” and an ascending and descending “Escalator”.  This was the same workout that YHC did solo on Saturday since I didn’t want to be the only PAX that got to experience the fun.

Disclaimer: Disclaimer was given.


Side Straddle Hops IC 20
Arm Circles IC 15
Circle Arms IC 15
Imperial Walker IC 20
Weed Pickers IC 20

The Thang:

The PAX made their way to the flag with a coupons and completed a “Gorilla Complex” (Repeato x8):

Curls SC 8
High Pulls SC 8
Overhead Press SC 8
Tricep Extension SC 8
Merkin SC 8
Mosey (End of Parking Lot and Back)

The PAX then did an “Escalator” at the 4 corners of the parking lot with the following …

  • (First Corner, First Round) – 10 Merkins
  • (Second Corner, First Round) – 10 Merkins and 20 LBC’s
  • (Third Corner, First Round) – 10 Merkins, 20 LBC’s and 30 Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • (Fourth Corner, First Round) – 10 Merkins, 20 LBC’s, 30 Alternating Shoulder Taps and 40 Squats
  • (First Corner, Second Round) – 40 Squats, 30 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 20 LBC’s and 10 Merkins
  • (Second Corner, Second Round) – 30 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 20 LBC’s and 10 Merkins
  • (Third Corner, Second Round) – 20 LBC’s and 10 Merkins
  • (Fourth Corner, Second Round) – 10 Merkins

COT:  Prayers for PAX that have family members that are afflicted with Covid and otherwise, and for those currently traveling.

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