Red October


When: 08/31/2024


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Squidz

The BackBlast:

Red October Exercise



15 Hill Billy Walkers

20 Arm Scissor Chops

20 Arm Scissors

20 Michael Phelps

10 Weed Pickers

Play Fetch with a frisbee  (Up and Down the Field 2x)

Medicine Ball Exercises

15 Step ups using coupons

Plank Lateral Drag (using a sandbag)

Plank (Pass the Medicine Ball Around as many times as possible in 1 minute)

Decline Merkins (4 count (10)

Leg Raises  (10 Shared Medicine Ball Amongst Pax)

American Hammers 2 sets of 10 (shared medicine ball)

Flutter Kicks        (15 shared medicine balls)

Reach-ups                  (20 shared  between medicine balls between 10 reps)

Dolly                            (15 shared medicine ball)

Rosalita                       (15 Shared medicine ball)

V ups            (10 shared medicine ball)

Red October

 10 Side Stradle Hops, 10 Merkins, 10 Lunges

Each Pax was given a station, that started out with 20 SMLs (SSHs, Merkins, Lunges)

 One person ran and grabbed two cards from the death deck and relayed it to the PAXs. Each Pax got a chance to choose two new exercises. Exercises included things such as squats, Supermans, flying arm raises, and many more ………….

20 Copperhead Squats w jump on the rep, people with medicine ball slammed the ball.

Using Coupons

20 Curls

20 Overhead Presses

20 Deaflifts

Q source Mission

International Bacon Day!

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